Reasons to Choose an Experienced Back and Neck Injury Lawyer

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By Marcus Fernandez

A back and neck injury can cause excruciating pain and be extremely detrimental to physical and mental well-being. In addition, back and neck injuries can have a cascading effect, causing pain throughout the entire body and hampering mobility to extreme levels.

The neck and back are crucial to protecting the spinal cord, the fragile set of nerves that send signals between the brain and all other areas of the body. A back and neck injury can damage the spinal cord, leading to life-altering conditions, including chronic pain and even paralysis. When the back or neck is injured, there is a chance that the spine and spinal cord will be damaged. Without proper treatment, a neck or back injury can cause debilitating, long-term pain and discomfort.

When a neck or back injury occurs, it’s critical to understand that any damage to the spinal cord can be devastating. The long-term effects of a neck or back injury might not be readily apparent, and it’s critical to ensure that the injured person’s interests are protected. Choosing a lawyer experienced with back and neck injuries will ensure that the injured person’s case gets the attention and expert representation they deserve.

Common Symptoms

Often, there is more to a back and neck injury than minor back and neck pain. The nerves of the spinal cord affect every part and function of your body. Therefore, back or neck injuries that affect the spinal cord often impact various bodily functions. Sometimes, a severe back or neck injury fails to heal fully, leaving the victim with a chronic pain condition.

Common back and neck injury symptoms include:

  • Chronic pain in the back or neck that worsens after long periods of sitting, standing, walking, bending, or lifting
  • Excessive stiffness in the back and neck
  • Decreased range of movement and mobility
  • Dizziness and balance issues
  • A pulsating pain through the arms, legs, or hands
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty with concentration or remembering things
  • Depression, irritability, or fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of bowel or bladder function

It’s vital to have a back and neck injury properly diagnosed and receive the correct treatment as quickly as possible. When a damaged spine doesn’t receive the proper treatment, isn’t given enough time, or doesn’t heal properly chronic back and neck pain can worsen and significantly reduce an individual’s quality of life.

Data from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons show that lower back and neck pain are the most common physical conditions that impair a person’s ability to manage life’s daily activities. Back pain is the primary cause of disability in the United States and the most common reason people seek medical attention.

Common Causes of Back and Neck Injuries

While back and neck injuries can be caused by various factors, the majority involve some type of significant trauma. Your spine supports and carries your entire body weight. When injury and trauma to the back and neck occur, the spine and the fragile spinal cord it protects often become damaged.

Some of the more common injuries and trauma that can negatively impact the spine and spinal cord include:

  • Sports or recreational related accidents such as a fall, collision, or contact trauma
  • A forceful blow to the top of the head, neck, or back
  • A penetrating injury to the back or neck
  • Car accident
  • Trucking accident
  • Motorcycle accident
  • A workplace accident such as a fall, collision, slip, or trauma 

In the case of many vehicle-related injuries such as an automobile, truck, or motorcycle accident, whiplash is a common occurrence that affects both the back and neck. Whiplash results from any sudden impact or stop that suddenly causes the head and neck to jerk back and forth.

Whiplash commonly affects the back and neck and can lead to severe complications if not allowed to heal correctly. The symptoms may include back and neck stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and lower back and neck pain. In many cases, whiplash symptoms are not immediate and may not be noticed after the accident for a day or more.

Since the neck, back, and spine are integral to nearly every function of the body and support the weight of your entire frame, a back and neck injury can cause debilitating pain. Back and neck pain can come and go or become noticeable days or weeks after the damage occurs. Therefore, when a back or neck injury occurs, it’s always critical to take extra precautions and visit a doctor or hospital as soon as possible after the accident.

Help From an Experienced Neck Injury Lawyer

Many people ignore back and neck pain after an accident or injury because they feel it’s not severe enough to receive treatment. Often they think that their pain is only a minor inconvenience that will improve and eventually heal. Unfortunately, back and neck injuries often worsen, unlike some wounds or injuries that heal quickly and easily with time. If left untreated, back and neck pain can lead to severe chronic pain and mobility.

A person that suffers a back or neck injury may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and lost wages. Unfortunately, what seems to be a minor injury often only worsens with time. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help ensure that an injured person is protected and receives the compensation they deserve.