What happens when your insurance company denies your auto accident injury claim?

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By Marcus Fernandez

As drivers, we purchase auto insurance to protect from injury or damage-related expenses stemming from an auto accident. You purchase your policy in good faith that the provider will pay the claim should your accident meet the necessary requirements. However, what happens when your auto accident injury claim is denied?

First, it’s important to understand why your auto accident insurance company may deny your claim:

  • Your actions led to the car accident occurring. For instance, if you were texting while driving and ran into the car in front of you, the insurance company may deny your claim.
  • Your policy does not provide coverage for the insurance claim that has been made.
  • You did not seek medical help in a timely manner after your auto accident.
  • You had a pre-existing condition that the insurance company believes to be the root of your injury.
  • The driver does not qualify as a named insured party under your policy.
  • You failed to pay your insurance premium, and the coverage lapsed.
  • The damage or injury claim exceeds your policy limits.
  • Your insurance claim is subject to “exclusions in the policy” such as an act of God that may have caused the accident.

Regardless of why your insurance company denies your claim, it’s critical to seek the help of an attorney experienced in litigating insurance disputes.

Your experienced personal injury attorney will:

  • Review your claim to help ensure that a mistake or miscommunication did not lead to your denial.
  • Investigate your accident to determine if additional evidence exists to validate your claim.
  • Launch a formal appeals process that provides the insurance company with a detailed account of your injuries, evidence of the other party’s negligence or fault, and a listing of any injuries or losses related to your claim.

Don’t take on the insurance company by yourself. If your insurance claim has been denied and you have questions, contact us today for a free consultation.

“What happens when your insurance company denies your auto accident injury claim?” Vlog Transcript:

“We hear about it all the time. Somebody has paid good, hard-earned money for insurance benefits. Something happens, they need to use those benefits and the claim gets denied. Whether it’s for a policy exclusion or representation made in their application, or because they waited too long to get medical care. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where a claim has been denied, reach out to a personal injury attorney. They should be able to gather the facts necessary and put together the right type of case log to help reinstate your benefits, if possible. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at www.kfblaw.com. Thank you.”

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