Florida is a red state, which for the purposes of this article, has nothing to do with politics. According to a report by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), Florida lags behind in passing…
The pandemic seems to have affected almost every aspect of life. So it should be no surprise that it has dramatically affected distracted driving. This new report, however, may be surprising. The report coincides with crash…
Coping with the death of a loved one is never easy, but when the person dies unexpectedly in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, the loss becomes even more devastating and painful. Combined…
Living in Tampa allows you to avoid the dangers of driving in the snow and ice that winter storms bring to northern regions of the country, but that does not mean that you get to…
Rainy season in Tampa is not a myth used by locals to scare visitors away during the summer. It’s real and peaks during the summer months, but August is generally the rainiest month of the…
A Tampa car accident may involve more than filing a claim for no-fault benefits. If you are seriously injured, your insurance may not reimburse you for all of the money damages you incurred. It may…
Depending upon the circumstances, hitting a parked car may cause more embarrassment to the errant driver than damage to either vehicle. Of course, hitting a parked car while traveling at the posted speed may cause…
Drivers who are the cause of a blind spot accident don't expect another vehicle or person to be in their way. They just don't see them because their full field of vision is usually blocked…
A back and neck injury can cause excruciating pain and be extremely detrimental to physical and mental well-being. In addition, back and neck injuries can have a cascading effect, causing pain throughout the entire body…
The Tampa Bay area has once again been ranked as one of the fastest growing places to live in the United States. Unfortunately, Tampa Bay, Florida, also ranks as the seventh deadliest metropolitan area in…
According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, 713 pedestrians died and another 6,334 were injured when struck by vehicles in 2020. The data so far for 2021reveals the death and injury…
As exhilarating and enjoyable as driving a motorcycle may be, crash statistics prove that it's also a dangerous activity. Of the total number of fatalities from traffic accidents, 14% of them involved a motorcycle. A…
Tampa, with it's fantastic weather and interesting places to visit, should be the perfect place to take a walk. However, its status as the eighth most dangerous place in the country for pedestrians says otherwise.…
More children between the ages of 3-14 die from motor vehicle accidents than from any other cause. Crash data proves that the use of child seats reduces the risk of injury by up to 82%…
During the course of an average day, all of us become pedestrians at one point or another. As children head back to school, this is an excellent time for parents to share safety tips for…