What types of injuries can be claimed in an auto accident?

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By Marcus Fernandez

Every day, our experienced Tampa auto accident attorneys deal with a variety of cases. From highway collisions to tailgating accidents, horrific wrong-way driving crashes to pedestrian crosswalk injuries, each personal injury case is different. The damages suffered by these car accident cases also differ greatly. We often see broken bones, brain injuries, whiplash and even, in some cases, death. If you are injured in a car accident due to negligence you may be able to recover several different types of damages in your claim. This includes damages for both physical and non-physical injuries.

In this video blog, Marcus Fernandez of Kinney, Fernandez & Boire helps you easily understand the types of damages that could be claimed in your auto accident case.

“What types of injuries can be claimed in an auto accident?” Vlog Transcript:

“If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, there are six types of damages you might be entitled to. The first set is called economic damages, and those encompass past lost wages, money that you’ve missed from work, a loss of future earnings capacity, meaning a decline in your value in the marketplace. You’re able to recover your outstanding medical expenses, and then your future medical expenses. The other set is called non-economic damages, and those are human damages. Past pain and suffering, inconvenience, and loss of the capacity to enjoy life. Then future pain and suffering, inconvenience, and the loss for the capacity to enjoy life. So, if you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, you should reach out to a lawyer who’s had experience handling those types of cases. For more information, you can go to kfblaw.com.”

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