Every day, our experienced Tampa auto accident attorneys deal with a variety of cases. From highway collisions to tailgating accidents, horrific wrong-way driving crashes to pedestrian crosswalk injuries, each personal injury case is different. The damages suffered by these…
Following another vehicle too closely can have deadly consequences. It can take the length of a football field to stop a vehicle traveling at 60 mph. The required distance could be longer in adverse weather…
The squeal of brakes, blaring of a horn and a deafening crash - there's no mistaking the sound and feel of a collision. Even a major car accident is over in a moment, but the…
One of the first questions lawyers hear from people who have been injured in an accident in Florida is, "Do I have a car accident case?" The way the response is worded might differ, but…
According to the National Safety Council, traffic accidents resulting in people injured or killed have increased nationwide. During the first six months of last year, nearly 1,600 people lost their lives in highway accidents in…
Despite substantial progress in raising awareness about traffic safety, auto accidents are a harsh reality throughout Tampa Bay. According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT), 2.35 million Americans are injured in car accidents…
Each year, a large number of roadway accidents occur due to distracted driving. In 2014, of the 431,000 distracted driving accidents, nearly 4,000 resulted in fatalities. As the prevalence of smartphone ownership increases, these numbers…
Auto emergency braking. Air bags. Electronic stability control. Car manufacturers continue to develop ways to ensure that both car drivers and passengers remain safe in the case of an accident. One of the latest innovations…
It’s an instance where you only have seconds to react. Faced with the bright lights of a vehicle as it approaches you, you are witnessing a wrong way driver in action. It’s an unfortunate situation…
Wrong way driving made news in Tampa Bay again this past weekend – making this blog series an all the more unfortunate topic. As our community mourns the loss of a respected law enforcement officer, many are…
Just last week, we witnessed another video of a wrong way driver. This time, a Sarasota County Sheriff’s Officer came face-to-face with an intoxicated 21-year old as he barrelled down the wrong way of the interstate. Images,…
“But, I had full coverage!” This is probably the most widely held belief of new callers and clients that we encounter. More often than not, however, there is a big gap between the type of auto…