What Is Personal Injury Protection?
Your insurance company must also pay 80% of your reasonable and necessary medical bills incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident. The law also provides that you may recover 60% of your lost wages. The medical benefits cover all reasonable expenses for necessary medical, surgical, x-ray, dental and rehabilitative services, including prosthetic devices. Your insurance company will also pay for necessary ambulance, hospital and nursing services. If a death results from the accident, the personal injury protection insurer may have to pay a death benefit under this policy.
Florida law allows individuals to carry a deductible on their personal injury protection coverage. If you elected such a deductible, you should know that the effect of that is that you are “self-insured” for the amount of your deductible. In other words, if you have personal injury protection insurance with a $2,000 deductible, you have agreed to pay the first $2,000 of your lost wages and medical bills if you are in an accident. This is true even if the accident is totally the fault of someone else.
When you have been involved in an automobile related accident and it is the result of someone else’s negligence, you may seek damages for bills and expenses that are not covered under Personal Injury Protection Insurance. This may include the cost of your deductible, medical expenses and lost wages not covered by Personal Injury Protection Insurance, and pain and suffering. Maximizing your benefits is something that KFB Law can help you achieve. We will help to make sure medical bills and lost wages are paid in such a way to obtain payment of your PIP benefits in the most efficient manner, so as to make the best use of these benefits that are available to you. For example, you would not want your lost wages being applied toward your deductible. Instead, you would be better off asking that your lost wages be placed in line for payment after the deductible has been met. Maximizing your benefits can also incorporate health insurance benefits that may be available to you.

Overall, we will work to ensure that whatever benefits are available to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and any other expenses, are used in the best manner possible in order to keep out-of-pocket expenses to a minimum. This will position your case in the best way when it comes time to initiate settlement negotiations with the insurance company for the at-fault party. Our clients are always in a better position when medical expenses and lost wages have been addressed properly during the time leading up to negotiations. This can sometimes take months, depending on the type of injury and the response you have to whatever forms of treatment you need. Regardless, we want to position your case in such a way as to be able to provide you with as much a recovery as we can, as opposed to large portions of a recovery going to pay bills that have been incurred. In other words, we believe it is our responsibility to try to put as much money obtained in your case in your pocket, for future needs, retraining, pain and suffering etc., as opposed to having to use much of the money to pay your outstanding bills.
Using your PIP insurance, and any other benefits that may be available to you, while you are treating and waiting to reach what is called “Maximum Medical Improvement” is vital to keeping a “check” on your expenses and situating your case in the best way to achieve a satisfactory and fair settlement a the end. We do understand that victims of negligence that have suffered personal injury are often not simply concerned with money. Rather, they are concerned about their physical and mental well-being, being able to continue the work and personal activities they could before getting injured, the effects an injury has on their family, and many other very personal and emotional challenges. However, financial concerns will always be a part of recovering from a traumatic injury and we can help so, hopefully, you have a little less to worry about.
Click Here: Important information regarding personal injury protection (PIP) & Florida Law
An Accident Is A Big Thing To Worry About, At KFBLAW, We Can Help You Get Back To Worrying About All The Little Things In Life.
We would be glad to meet you in person at our Tampa, St. Petersburg, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Plant City or Riverview offices or at any location that is convenient for you.