Backover accidents aren’t the first that come to mind when we think of car accidents, however, they can prove just as deadly. Here’s what you need to know about backover or driveway accidents, who’s at risk, and how a lawyer can help if you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a driver’s negligence.
What Is a Backover Accident?
A backover accident is when an individual strikes another person while in the process of backing out of a driveway or parking spot. While driving in reverse, there can be additional blind spots that make it more difficult to see.
For example, if you are driving a pickup truck, while you can use the rearview mirror to see behind you, you still cannot see items that are about 3 feet tall or shorter unless they are further behind the vehicle. This blind zone makes it hard to notice young children who may be close to a vehicle.
Who Is Most At Risk for a Backover Accident?
Children are most often at risk for a backover accident because they may not notice a vehicle backing up and because some may be too short to be seen in the rearview mirror. Even with rearview cameras, it can be difficult to see if someone is directly behind a vehicle. Unfortunately, this means that thousands of children are injured every year as a result of backover accidents. Because children are smaller, they are more likely to suffer worse injuries and even death as a result of a driveway accident. According to the NHTSA, there are about 54 backover accident deaths annually. In most cases, these are avoidable deaths, which makes them extremely tragic.
Elderly Floridians are also at higher risk for backover accidents because of their limited mobility.
Determining Fault in a Backover Accident
Not all backover accidents are the fault of the driver. An accident can be caused by a vehicle malfunction or it can truly be an accident, as when a child unknowingly shifts an idling vehicle into gear or runs behind a moving vehicle.
To illustrate that a driver is responsible for an accident, it must be shown that they were negligent in their actions. Essentially, a skilled lawyer would need to prove that a driver did not exhibit reasonable care while backing out of a driveway or parking spot. If they are able to do so, then the driver can be held liable for the accident. If a lawyer is able to illustrate the accident could have been avoided if not for a vehicle malfunction, then they may be able to hold the manufacturer liable for any injuries resulting from the accident.
How a Lawyer Can Help
A personal injury lawyer with backover accident expertise can help you secure compensation for injuries sustained in a driveway or parking lot accident to help cover medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You don’t have to deal with the consequences of a backover accident alone—get a partner on your side that will help you determine your next steps.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a driveway or backover accident, call the attorneys at KFB Law in Tampa, FL, to learn about your options
Click Here: Important Information Regarding Auto Accidents & Personal Injury
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